Bart Steverink
Bart Steverink holds a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering and a master’s degree in engineering and policy analysis. Driven by a deep desire to better understand how the world works, Bart started his career as an independent contractor, developing simulation models for use in the transportation, healthcare and renewable energy domains. Writing code had always been a major aspect of the development of simulation models and ultimately led to a career switch towards information architecture and software development. Over the past decade Bart founded multiple software oriented startups and is currently engaged as CTO and co-owner at Bart lives in the east of The Netherlands with his wife and two sons.

Sessions is developping PERISCOPE© as a decision support system for surgical departments. With PERICOPE we train a machine learning model on data in the electronic health records. In this talk we will show you our mission, the design choices we have made and the resulting architecture as well as shed some light on some of the challenges we face.