Nonlinear Optimization with the Julia Smooth Optimizers packages
12-01, 10:55–11:25 (Europe/Amsterdam), Auditorium

We will present a short overview of JSO packages and show how to solve nonlinear optimization problems with some of our packages.

The Julia Smooth Optimizers (JSO) organization has been around since 2015. We have over 50 registered packages dealing with a variety of nonlinear optimization and linear algebra topics. One of our main objectives is to provide the tools for researchers to go quickly from prototyping to publication-ready code, and from there to high-level well-maintained optimization packages. Furthermore, we venture into user-friendly optimization packages with our new package JSOSuite, which should provide a one-stop solution for nonlinear optimization in Julia.

Research Software Engineer and YouTuber.
Working with optimization in Julia since 2015.