What's the deal with Julia binary sizes?
12-01, 13:25–14:10 (Europe/Amsterdam), Auditorium

If you have tried to produce a compiled library or application with PackageCompiler.jl, you may have been disappointed by the size of the resulting artifact. In this talk I will explain where all the bytes come from, and what we have done and continue to do to remove as many as possible. Fortunately sizes have been going down over time, and we have added some tools you can use now to reduce sizes further. I will briefly show how to use them.

If you have tried to produce a compiled library or application with PackageCompiler.jl, you may have been disappointed by the size of the resulting artifact. In this talk I will explain where all the bytes come from, and what we have done and continue to do to remove as many as possible. Fortunately sizes have been going down over time, and we have added some tools you can use now to reduce sizes further. I will briefly show how to use them.

Jeff is one of the co-creators of the Julia language and one of the co-founders of JuliaHub, Inc.