Chris Rackauckas

Dr. Rackauckas is a Research Affiliate and Co-PI of the Julia Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, VP of Modeling and Simulation at JuliaHub and Creator / Lead Developer of JuliaSim. He's also the Director of Scientific Research at Pumas-AI and Creator / Lead Developer of Pumas, and Lead Developer of the SciML Open Source Software Organization.

Dr. Rackauckas's research and software is focused on Scientific Machine Learning (SciML): the integration of domain models with artificial intelligence techniques like machine learning. By utilizing the structured scientific (differential equation) models together with the unstructured data-driven models of machine learning, our simulators can be accelerated, our science can better approximate the true systems, all while enjoying the robustness and explainability of mechanistic dynamical models.

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NonlinearSolve.jl: Efficient rootfinding and solving of algebraic equations in Julia
Chris Rackauckas

Many problems can be reduced down to solving f(x)=0, maybe even more than you think! Solving a stiff differential equation? Finding out where the ball hits the ground? Solving an inverse problem to find the parameters to fit a model? In this talk we'll showcase how SciML's NonlinearSolve.jl is a general system for solving nonlinear equations and demonstrate its ability to efficiently handle these kinds of problems with high stability and performance.

JuliaHub Sponsor Talk
Chris Rackauckas

JuliaHub Sponsor Talk
