Abel Soares Siqueira

Research Software Engineer and YouTuber.
Working with optimization in Julia since 2015.

  • Nonlinear Optimization with the Julia Smooth Optimizers packages
Adrien Banse
  • Dionysos.jl: a Modular Platform for Smart Symbolic Control
Chris Rackauckas

Dr. Rackauckas is a Research Affiliate and Co-PI of the Julia Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, VP of Modeling and Simulation at JuliaHub and Creator / Lead Developer of JuliaSim. He's also the Director of Scientific Research at Pumas-AI and Creator / Lead Developer of Pumas, and Lead Developer of the SciML Open Source Software Organization.

Dr. Rackauckas's research and software is focused on Scientific Machine Learning (SciML): the integration of domain models with artificial intelligence techniques like machine learning. By utilizing the structured scientific (differential equation) models together with the unstructured data-driven models of machine learning, our simulators can be accelerated, our science can better approximate the true systems, all while enjoying the robustness and explainability of mechanistic dynamical models.

  • NonlinearSolve.jl: Efficient rootfinding and solving of algebraic equations in Julia
  • JuliaHub Sponsor Talk
Filip de Roos

A research scientist at Robert Bosch GmbH working on Active Learning and Hybrid Modelling with a particular interest in solutions involving Julia.

  • Julia solves the 2 language problem, however it creates the 1.5 language problem
Fons van der Plas
  • đŸ€ Pluto.jl - reactive and reproducible notebooks for Julia
François Févotte

After a PhD with the French CEA ("Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique") and 12 years as a researcher with the R&D division of EDF ("Electricité de France"), François co-founded in 2019 TriScale innov (www.triscale-innov.com), a startup dedicated to High Performance Computing.

  • Automating task interdependencies using `DataFlowTasks.jl`
Irina Khomich
  • ASML Sponsor Talk
Jeff Bezanson

Jeff is one of the co-creators of the Julia language and one of the co-founders of JuliaHub, Inc.

  • What's the deal with Julia binary sizes?
Julian Hofer

Numerical software developer at Deltares.
Likes languages, programming as well as human ones.

  • How SciML enables Dutch water management with Ribasim
Keith Myerscough

Senior Mathware designer at Sioux Mathware

  • Sioux Sponsor Talk
Kristoffer Carlsson

Software engineer at JuliaHub
Long time contributor to Julia and the Julia package ecosystem.

  • Fast nearest-neighbor queries in Julia using NearestNeighbors.jl
Liam H.

I am a student, who is researching quantum computers at the University of Bremen. I mentor students in programming using different languages such as Python, Julia and Elixir. My Interests are automated electronic design, parallel, distributed and scientific computing, formal languages and natural languages processing.

  • Julia is the Answer, but what is the question?
Luca Ferranti

Luca Ferranti is a PhD student in computer science, passionate about open-science, open-source and open education. His research interests lie in fuzzy logic, computer algebra and scientific computing. He has been using Julia, both professionally and for hobbies, for a few years and is always enthusiast about Julia and Julia community. He is also the main organizer of the Julia Users Helsinki meetups and member of the Nordic association of Research Software Engineers.

  • PlutoGrader.jl: a tool to write and automatically grade exams as Pluto notebooks.
Luiz Maltez Faria
  • Automating task interdependencies using `DataFlowTasks.jl`
Martijn Visser

Martijn Visser is a hydrologist at Deltares, where he focuses on integrated water resources management, as well as building open source software to support it. As an early adopter of the Julia programming language he’s been active in the open source community, helping to set up and maintain JuliaGeo and its packages, which aim to make it easier to work with geospatial data in Julia.

  • How SciML enables Dutch water management with Ribasim
Mason Protter

I'm a PhD Candidate working in theoretical condensed matter physics at the University of Alberta, living in Cologne, Germany. I have a passion for programming, especially when it comes to high-performance code, and metaprogramming in the Julia language.

  • Bumper.jl -- a quick guide to Bump allocators for ultra-high performance intermediate allocations
Michael Tiemann

Michael Tiemann obtained a PhD from the University of TĂŒbingen where he was working on a machine learning perspective of differential equation solvers. In 2017, he has joined the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence in Renningen, Germany. He is working on probabilistic inference, dynamics modeling and, in particular, combining data-based and first-principles modeling approaches. He has been eagerly waiting for a chance to switch to Julia since 2018, but the chance only arrived in Spring 2022.

  • Julia solves the 2 language problem, however it creates the 1.5 language problem
Myrthe Scheepers

With a background in philosophy and physics, Myrthe started working at ASML in January 2022. The Julia community in Eindhoven has turned her into a Julia believer.

  • ASMLs Julia Journey
Orestis Ousoultzoglou

CS Student, Science Lead in the AcubeSAT Space Biology nanosatellite space mission, Research Software Engineer in the Hellenic Space Dawn space mission.

  • AOCS Simulations with Julia: Insights from the Hellenic Space Dawn Mission
Paul Berg

Currently a phd student in computer vision, i contribute to the Julia ecosystem in my spare time since 2020.

  • A macro-view of reactivity in Pluto.jl 🎈
Romanos Voulgarakis
  • AOCS Simulations with Julia: Insights from the Hellenic Space Dawn Mission
Tim Besard

Software engineer at JuliaHub, working on the Julia language and its GPU support.

  • GPU Programming in Julia: What, Why and How?
Tom Lemmens
  • XML data and Julian types